Thursday, April 16, 2009

Minions Defined

I have quite a few minions. The number varies from month to month and from operation to operation. Naturally, there are varying levels of minion. Over my long and despicable career, I've come to realize that minions belong to one of three classes.

The bottom of the barrel and the most plentiful is your "Mook". The mook is a nameless soldier/worker/monkey/zombie that is basically cannon fodder. Your average do-gooder can drop them with a mean look. Mentally, they are somewhat equivalent to plankton, but probably have fewer social skills. I am not knocking them... actually, yes I am.

Mooks are idiots, but they have their uses. Nothing can beat the feeling of thousands of identically uniformed troops standing under your podium just gushing with enthusiasm before you send them to their quick and bloody deaths. No large criminal enterprise can survive without a fair number of mooks. They are the semi-retarded oil that keeps the gears turning. Who is going to load the trucks, gas up the jetpacks, mop the floors, change the light bulbs, etc? Mooks are perfect for that.

Commonly known mooks? Soldiers, guards, drivers, maintenance personnel, ninjas, etc. Yes, ninjas. Master martial artists? Please, spare me that drivel. I've crapped better martial artists than most of those guys. Sure, there are some fairly competent ninjas, but 99% of them are mooks.

The next class of minion is the "Henchman". I refer to both men and women as henchmen. These are the mooks that have somehow survived a few fights and have displayed an aptitude of some sort or, more commonly, someone of talent that I've recruited. These are combat specialists (master swordsmen, gun slingers, snipers, martial artists) or people of some great skill or ability (psionics, magicians, superpowers, etc.) A few are just your basic, all-around competent types.

The Henchmen generally have names or at least a title that I'm aware of. Henchman can and should command the mooks.

The final class of minion is the least common and most dangerous - the "Lieutenant" or "Boss". These are the creme de la creme of villainous minions. These evil cutthroats give even the bravest do-gooders pause and generally have a reputation that causes the common man to foul his pants. Henchmen look on the Lieutenant as someone to fear and obey. The Lieutenant is capable of running his own schemes and often does.

The Lieutenants obviously command the henchmen and mooks. The drawback to Lieutenants is that sometimes the very trait that makes them so capable also makes them troublesome. They are power hungry and ruthless, which is just fine when they are being power hungry and ruthless on your behalf. However, they often decide that you, their lord and master, have become weak and that they can take your place.

That ambition is not a bad thing. Knowing they will make a play eventually allows you to keep an eye out for it. The trick is being able to totally derail their plan and leave them at your mercy without totally breaking their spirit. I find that a Lieutenant that's been put in his place once or twice is generally at the height of their usefullness to me. After that it is either time to let them move on to becoming a mastermind or put them out of my misery.

So this post if for you, Savango Rotten. Your time as a lieutenant of mine was memorable and while I really enjoyed your skills with a blade, but ultimately you didn't have the ability to strike out on your own. Instead, you made that silly ploy to assassinate me with some of your henchmen. Attempt number four was it?

If it makes you feel better, my new senior lieutenant Mongo (yes, you've been replaced by cyborg gorilla) ate some of your innards in celebration and got a bit of a tummy ache. He laughed uproariously when I said, "Everyone knows you shouldn't eat Rotten meat." Excuse me while I give an evil chuckle.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Evil Real Estate

I've still got lots of hidden bases & such, but I'm thinking my next set up needs to be kind of old school. At this point, I'm looking for either a nice island base or something mobile, like a cloaked dirigible.

The island base would need to be in an extinct volcano (or nearly extinct - I like living on the edge) or maybe on an island that's shaped like a skull. If it were both, I'd be on it like a politician on a bribe. The island bases are nice because they are roomy. The command center can be huge, there is lots of room for my minions, laboratories galore, fiendish traps with sharks in them, etc. Something tropical is always nice too. The minions like to hang out on the beach that way and we might actually catch the do-gooders sneaking in via scuba gear.

The mobile base is obviously nice because it is mobile. But it is limited in size. Then again, my cloud fortress back in 78 was quite good sized. On the other hand it didn't have much speed and the cost of cloaking something that size is honestly not pretty. Cloaking in 1978 was much easier than it is today.

I guess I'll ponder that while I fill out my petition for another government bailout. Honestly, I just am not making the money I used to when Bush was in office. War profiteering is going south on me with a Democrat in office. The scam I pulled with one of my quasi legit holdings has me in the black again, but I can't count on AIG pulling those numbers down again. I think the gig is up on that scam.

Oooh! Maybe a mobile island fortress? I'm liking that.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A New Start

It isn't easy taking over the world. As many of you probably know, I've made several attempts at it over the last few years. Various super do-gooders have inevitably put a snag in those plans. A couple of times, they've even successfully incarcerated me. That's always short term. I've always got an escape plan (43 of them currently).

The last couple of disastrous attempts were due to "teaming up". The rest of the supervillain types are either stark-raving mad, egotistical bastards or back-stabbing weasels. Many are capable of covering all those bases and a few more. The bottom line is the team up didn't work out for me.

I've decided it is time to go it on my own again. Who wants to share their success after all? Certainly not me.

I am keeping this journal to record the, soon to be historic, actions I take in pursuit of nothing less than total domination of this world!