Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Evil Real Estate

I've still got lots of hidden bases & such, but I'm thinking my next set up needs to be kind of old school. At this point, I'm looking for either a nice island base or something mobile, like a cloaked dirigible.

The island base would need to be in an extinct volcano (or nearly extinct - I like living on the edge) or maybe on an island that's shaped like a skull. If it were both, I'd be on it like a politician on a bribe. The island bases are nice because they are roomy. The command center can be huge, there is lots of room for my minions, laboratories galore, fiendish traps with sharks in them, etc. Something tropical is always nice too. The minions like to hang out on the beach that way and we might actually catch the do-gooders sneaking in via scuba gear.

The mobile base is obviously nice because it is mobile. But it is limited in size. Then again, my cloud fortress back in 78 was quite good sized. On the other hand it didn't have much speed and the cost of cloaking something that size is honestly not pretty. Cloaking in 1978 was much easier than it is today.

I guess I'll ponder that while I fill out my petition for another government bailout. Honestly, I just am not making the money I used to when Bush was in office. War profiteering is going south on me with a Democrat in office. The scam I pulled with one of my quasi legit holdings has me in the black again, but I can't count on AIG pulling those numbers down again. I think the gig is up on that scam.

Oooh! Maybe a mobile island fortress? I'm liking that.

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